Frequently Asked Questions

About Bridge Loans

Explore our bridge loan FAQs to educate yourself on the answers to commonly asked questions.

A bridge loan is a temporary loan that helps someone buy a new house or property when they haven't sold their old one yet. It "bridges" the gap between selling the old home and buying the new one.
Let's say you want to buy a new house, but you haven't sold your old house yet. A bridge loan gives you money to buy the new house, and you'll pay it back when you sell your old house. It's like borrowing money for a short time until you have the money from selling your old house.
Bridge loans usually have a shorter time frame length, from a few months up to a year. Repayment options are usually monthly or annually.
Bridge loan interest rates can vary, but they are usually higher than regular mortgage interest rates because they are for a shorter period. You pay a little extra for the convenience of getting the loan quickly.
Yes, bridge loans can be a good option for real estate investors or businesses that need money for a short time. They help investors buy properties quickly and give businesses the flexibility to manage their finances.

About Conscious Investing

Also called socially responsible investing, or SRI, conscious investing is an investing strategy that aims to create both positive change and financial returns. A conscious investor is someone who is aware of where they’re investing and how it will have an impact.
While contributing to charities and specific organizations is not mandatory, we encourage our clients to explore consciously giving back to causes that resonate with your values and passions.
Yes. Sherpa Investment Group actively contributes and supports organizations striving to make a positive impact on the planet.

“Investors share a common desire to invest in a sustainable way. In the U.S. alone, sustainable investing has become one of the fastest-growing investment trends, with overall assets exceeding $16.6 trillion in 2020 –an astonishing increase from merely $639 billion in 1995.*” *Report on US sustainable and impact investing trends 2020, U.S Social Investment Forum, 2020 Source:
Absolutely! We can help! We offer expert guidance on conscious giving and investing. Contact us anytime for insightful recommendations. Stay tuned for regular updates on new organization ideas.

“Investors share a common desire to invest in a sustainable way. In the U.S. alone, sustainable investing has become one of the fastest-growing investment trends, with overall assets exceeding $16.6 trillion in 2020 –an astonishing increase from merely $639 billion in 1995.*” *Report on US sustainable and impact investing trends 2020, U.S Social Investment Forum, 2020 Source:
Conscious investing and giving is gaining significant popularity among investors worldwide, driven by a desire for socially and environmentally responsible investments.

“Investors share a common desire to invest in a sustainable way. In the U.S. alone, sustainable investing has become one of the fastest-growing investment trends, with overall assets exceeding $16.6 trillion in 2020 –an astonishing increase from merely $639 billion in 1995.*” *Report on US sustainable and impact investing trends 2020, U.S Social Investment Forum, 2020 Source:
Conscious investing goes beyond your investment portfolio. It starts with the companies and types of investments you choose, but also includes the choices you make as a consumer, who you choose to bank with, where you save your money, and the organizations you choose to give back to through donations and even volunteer time.

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Sherpa Investment Group is dedicated to supporting and guiding you on your path to successful and conscious financial investing. Conscious investing is our guiding principle.

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